Residential Site Option

Rhos Road, Penyffordd, Flintshire

Ascalon Properties Ltd worked closely with an existing land owner to agree an Option on a greenfield site of approximately 1.4ha located in Flintshire. 

Once the Option was in place, the team prepared a scheme proposal for the local council with supporting information to show that the land was suitable, deliverable and available for development. This involved a significant investment preparing layouts, highways reports and ecology studies to illustrate that the land was appropriate for inclusion within the local plan. 

At this stage, the team decided to proceed with an application for planning, rather than wait for a possible allocation in the Local Plan and a scheme was submitted on an outline basis.  The application was refused by local members, but the refusal was dismissed at appeal as the team had shown that the site was suitable and that all constraints could be overcome.   The site was then purchased with the benefit of planning consent, achieving best value for the land owner.